
import get from 'lodash-es/get.js'
import each from 'lodash-es/each.js'
import map from 'lodash-es/map.js'
import sum from 'lodash-es/sum.js'
import size from 'lodash-es/size.js'
import isNumber from 'lodash-es/isNumber.js'
import isestr from 'wsemi/src/isestr.mjs'
import iseobj from 'wsemi/src/iseobj.mjs'
import isearr from 'wsemi/src/isearr.mjs'
import isnum from 'wsemi/src/isnum.mjs'
import isfun from 'wsemi/src/isfun.mjs'
import cdbl from 'wsemi/src/cdbl.mjs'
import haskey from 'wsemi/src/haskey.mjs'
import ptsXYtoArr from './ptsXYtoArr.mjs'
import ptsXYZtoArr from './ptsXYZtoArr.mjs'
import interp2Normalize from './interp2Normalize.mjs'
import getAreaPolygon from './getAreaPolygon.mjs'
import intersectPolygon from './intersectPolygon.mjs'
import { Delaunay } from 'd3-delaunay'
// import Delaunator from 'delaunator'

// function isPointInPolygon(polygon, point) {
//     let n = polygon.length
//     let p = polygon[n - 1]
//     let x = point[0]
//     let y = point[1]
//     let x0 = p[0]; let y0 = p[1]
//     let x1
//     let y1
//     let inside = false
//     for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
//         p = polygon[i]
//         x1 = p[0]
//         y1 = p[1]
//         if (((y1 > y) !== (y0 > y)) && (x < (x0 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y0 - y1) + x1)) {
//             inside = !inside
//         }
//         x0 = x1
//         y0 = y1
//     }
//     return inside
// }

 * 自然鄰點內插法(Natural Neighbor Interpolation)內插點數值
 * A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Natural Neighbor Interpolation
 * An Introduction to Natural Neighbor Interpolation
 * [wiki]Natural neighbor interpolation
 * Natural neighbor interpolation
 * d3-delaunay
 * Delaunator
 * Unit Test: {@link Github}
 * @memberOf w-gis
 * @param {Array} psSrc 輸入二維座標加觀測數據點陣列,為[{x:x1,y:y1,z:z1},{x:x2,y:y2,z:z2},...]點物件之陣列
 * @param {Array|Object} psTar 輸入二維座標點陣列或點物件,為[{x:x1,y:y1},{x:x2,y:y2},...]點物件之陣列,或{x:x1,y:y1}點物件
 * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
 * @param {String} [opt.keyX='x'] 輸入點物件之x欄位字串,為座標,預設'x'
 * @param {String} [opt.keyY='y'] 輸入點物件之y欄位字串,為座標,預設'y'
 * @param {String} [opt.keyZ='z'] 輸入點物件之z欄位字串,為觀測值,預設'z'
 * @param {Number} [opt.scale=1] 輸入正規化範圍數值,因polybooljs處理多邊形時有數值容許誤差,故須通過縮放值域來減少問題,預設1是正規化0至1之間,使用scaleXY則是正規化為0至scaleXY之間,預設1
 * @returns {Array|Object} 回傳點物件陣列或點物件,若發生錯誤則回傳錯誤訊息物件
 * @example
 * let ps
 * let p
 * let r
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 243,
 *     y: 207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 243, y: 207, z: 97.29447682486813 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 1243,
 *     y: 1207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 1243, y: 1207, z: null }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: null, y: 201, z: 122 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 243,
 *     y: 207,
 * }
 * let funInterpFragment = (msg) => {
 *     // console.log('funInterpFragment', msg)
 *     return msg.v //預設回傳msg.v, 三角形三角點各點v為rA*z, 故三點之rA合為1, 指定內插值z為三角點v之總和(v1,v2,v3)
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p, { funInterpFragment })
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 243, y: 207, z: 97.29447682486813 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: null, y: 201, z: 122 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 1243,
 *     y: 1207,
 * }
 * let funInterpFragmentNoUse = (msg) => {
 *     // console.log('funInterpFragmentNoUse', msg)
 *     return msg.v //預設回傳msg.v, 此處因內插點於原始點所形成最小凸多邊形之外, 故無法內插, 亦不會呼叫funInterpFragment
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p, { funInterpFragment: funInterpFragmentNoUse })
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 1243, y: 1207, z: null }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: null, y: 201, z: 122 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 243,
 *     y: 207,
 * }
 * let funInterpFragments = (msg) => {
 *     // console.log('funInterpFragments', msg)
 *     // let v = ps[0].v + ps[1].v + ps[2].v
 *     return msg.v //預設回傳msg.v, 三角形三角點為, 各點v為rA*z, 故三點之rA合為1, 指定內插值z為三角點v之總和(v1,v2,v3)
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p, { funInterpFragments })
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 243, y: 207, z: 97.29447682486813 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 283,
 *     y: 207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 283, y: 207, z: 114.43040421951906 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 1160,
 *     y: 380,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 1160, y: 380, z: null }
 * ps = [{ a: 243, b: 206, c: 95 }, { a: 233, b: 225, c: 146 }, { a: 21, b: 325, c: 22 }, { a: 953, b: 28, c: 223 }, { a: 1092, b: 290, c: 39 }, { a: 744, b: 200, c: 191 }, { a: 174, b: 3, c: 22 }, { a: 537, b: 368, c: 249 }, { a: 1151, b: 371, c: 86 }, { a: 814, b: 252, c: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     a: 243,
 *     b: 207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p, { keyX: 'a', keyY: 'b', keyZ: 'c' })
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { a: 243, b: 207, c: 97.29447682486813 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = [
 *     {
 *         x: 243,
 *         y: 207,
 *     },
 *     {
 *         x: 283,
 *         y: 207,
 *     },
 * ]
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => [
 * //   { x: 243, y: 207, z: 97.29447682486813 },
 * //   { x: 283, y: 207, z: 114.43040421951906 }
 * // ]
 * ps = [{ x: 0.000243, y: 0.000206, z: 95 }, { x: 0.000233, y: 0.000225, z: 146 }, { x: 0.000021, y: 0.000325, z: 22 }, { x: 0.000953, y: 0.000028, z: 223 }, { x: 0.001092, y: 0.00029, z: 39 }, { x: 0.000744, y: 0.000200, z: 191 }, { x: 0.000174, y: 0.000003, z: 22 }, { x: 0.000537, y: 0.000368, z: 249 }, { x: 0.001151, y: 0.000371, z: 86 }, { x: 0.000814, y: 0.000252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 0.000243,
 *     y: 0.000207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p)
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 0.000243, y: 0.000207, z: 97.2944768248678 }
 * ps = [{ x: 243, y: 206, z: 95 }, { x: 233, y: 225, z: 146 }, { x: 21, y: 325, z: 22 }, { x: 953, y: 28, z: 223 }, { x: 1092, y: 290, z: 39 }, { x: 744, y: 200, z: 191 }, { x: 174, y: 3, z: 22 }, { x: 537, y: 368, z: 249 }, { x: 1151, y: 371, z: 86 }, { x: 814, y: 252, z: 125 }]
 * p = {
 *     x: 243,
 *     y: 207,
 * }
 * r = interp2NaturalNeighbor(ps, p, { scale: 1000 })
 * console.log(r)
 * // => { x: 243, y: 207, z: 97.29447682486855 }
function interp2NaturalNeighbor(psSrc, psTar, opt = {}) {

    //check psSrc
    if (!isearr(psSrc)) {
        return {
            err: 'psSrc is not an array'

    //check psTar
    if (!iseobj(psTar) && !isearr(psTar)) {
        return {
            err: 'psTar is not an object or array'

    let isOne = iseobj(psTar)
    if (isOne) {
        psTar = [psTar]

    let keyX = get(opt, 'keyX')
    if (!isestr(keyX)) {
        keyX = 'x'

    let keyY = get(opt, 'keyY')
    if (!isestr(keyY)) {
        keyY = 'y'

    let keyZ = get(opt, 'keyZ')
    if (!isestr(keyZ)) {
        keyZ = 'z'

    let scale = get(opt, 'scale')
    if (!isnum(scale)) {
        scale = 1
    scale = cdbl(scale)

    let funInterpFragment = get(opt, 'funInterpFragment')
    let useFunInterpFragment = isfun(funInterpFragment)

    let funInterpFragments = get(opt, 'funInterpFragments')
    let useFunInterpFragments = isfun(funInterpFragments)

    let keyInd = 'ind'

    psSrc = ptsXYZtoArr(psSrc, { keyX, keyY, keyZ, keyInd })

    //check psSrc
    if (size(psSrc) === 0) {
        return {
            err: 'psSrc has no effective data'
    // console.log('ptsXYZtoArr psSrc', psSrc)

    psTar = ptsXYtoArr(psTar, { keyX, keyY, keyInd })

    //check psTar
    if (size(psTar) === 0) {
        return {
            err: 'psTar has no effective data'
    // console.log('ptsXYtoArr psTar', psTar)

    let itnm = interp2Normalize(psSrc, { keyInd, scale })
    // console.log('',
    // console.log('itnm.psMinMax', itnm.psMinMax)
    psSrc = //複寫正規化數據
    let nv = itnm.nv
    let inv = itnm.inv
    // console.log('interp2Normalize psSrc', psSrc)

    let psSrcItr = [...psSrc]

    let psSrcOri = [...psSrc]

    let kpKnown = {}
    each(psSrc, (v) => {
        let k = `${v.x}-${v.y}` //x,y已經被正規化
        kpKnown[k] = v.z //x,y,z已經被正規化

    let intDny = Delaunay.from(psSrcOri, d => d.x, d => d.y) //x,y已經被正規化

    // //hpg, 原始數據形成最外框邊界
    // let hpg = intDny.hullPolygon()
    // // console.log('intDny.hullPolygon', hpg)

    let vbox = [0, 0, scale, scale]

    let iniVor = intDny.voronoi(vbox)
    // console.log('iniVor', iniVor)

    let addPointCore = (data, x, y, indTar) => {

        let psSrcTemp = [...psSrc]

        let newItem = { x, y, z: 0 } //x,y,z已經被正規化


        let postVor = Delaunay.from(psSrcTemp, d => d.x, d => d.y).voronoi(vbox) //x,y已經被正規化
        // console.log('postVor', postVor)

        let newIdx = psSrcTemp.length - 1
        // console.log('newIdx', newIdx)

        let pgsQuery = postVor.cellPolygon(newIdx)
        // console.log('pgsQuery', pgsQuery)

        let areaQuery = getAreaPolygon(pgsQuery)
        // console.log('areaQuery', areaQuery)

        let newPointVal = null
        if (areaQuery > 0) {

            let neighborIndices = []
            // for (let i of postVor.delaunay.neighbors(newIdx)) { //因為postVor.delaunay.neighbors是generator, 考慮要支援ie11得使用while與next讀取
            //     neighborIndices.push(i)
            // }
            let sq = postVor.delaunay.neighbors(newIdx)
            // console.log(`sq`, sq)
            let next =
            while (!next.done) {
                let v = next.value
                next =
            // console.log('neighborIndices', neighborIndices)

            let subValues = map(neighborIndices, (idx) => {
                // console.log('idx', idx)

                //pgs1, pgs2
                let pgs1 = [pgsQuery]
                let pgs2 = [iniVor.cellPolygon(idx)]
                // console.log('pgs1', pgs1, 'pgs2', pgs2)

                let pgsInts = []
                try {
                    pgsInts = intersectPolygon(pgs1, pgs2)
                    // console.log('pgsInts', pgsInts)
                catch (err) {
                    console.log('pgs1', pgs1)
                    console.log('pgs2', pgs2)

                let areaInts = 0
                if (size(pgsInts) === 1) {
                    try {
                        areaInts = getAreaPolygon(pgsInts[0])
                    catch (err) {
                        console.log('pgsInts', pgsInts)

                return {
                    ia: areaInts,
            // console.log('subValues', subValues)

            let newPointVals = []
            each(subValues, (o) => {

                //rA, z, v
                let rA = (o.ia / areaQuery)
                let z = data[o.idx].z //x,y,z已經被正規化
                let v = rA * z
                // console.log('subValue', 'rA', rA, 'o.idx', o.idx, 'z', z, 'v', v)

                if (useFunInterpFragment) {
                    z = funInterpFragment({
                        area: o.ia,
                        areaTotal: areaQuery,
                        areaRatio: rA,
                        indSrc: o.idx,
                        // data,

                let p = {
                    area: o.ia,
                    areaTotal: areaQuery,
                    areaRatio: rA,
                    indSrc: o.idx,



            let vt = sum(map(newPointVals, 'v'))
            if (useFunInterpFragments) {
                vt = funInterpFragments({
                    ps: newPointVals,
                    v: vt,
            newPointVal = vt

            // if (isNaN(newPointVal)) {
            //     console.log('isNaN(newPointVal)', subValues, 'areaQuery', areaQuery)
            // }
            // console.log(`areaQuery[${areaQuery}] > 0`, 'newPointVal', newPointVal)


        //update newPointVal
        data[data.length - 1].z = newPointVal //x,y,z已經被正規化

        return newPointVal

    let addPoint = (data, x, y, indTar) => {

        let r
        try {
            r = addPointCore(data, x, y, indTar)
        catch (err) {
            r = null

        return r

    let getNz = (nx, ny, indTar) => {

        let k = `${nx}-${ny}` //x,y已經被正規化
        if (haskey(kpKnown, k)) {
            return kpKnown[k]

        // if (!isPointInPolygon(hpg, [nx, ny])) {
        //     return null
        // }
        if (nx < vbox[0] || nx > vbox[2] || ny < vbox[1] || ny > vbox[3]) {
            return null

        let nz = addPoint(psSrcItr, nx, ny, indTar)

        kpKnown[k] = nz

        return nz

    let itv = (p, indTar) => {

        //x, nx
        let x = p.x //x,y已經被正規化
        let nx = nv(x, 0) //還原
        if (!isNumber(nx)) {
            throw new Error(`invalid nx[${nx}]`) //x,y預期都是有值

        //y, ny
        let y = p.y //x,y已經被正規化
        let ny = nv(y, 1) //還原
        if (!isNumber(ny)) {
            throw new Error(`invalid ny[${ny}]`) //x,y預期都是有值

        //nz, z
        let nz = getNz(nx, ny, indTar)
        let z = inv(nz, 2) //還原
        if (!isNumber(z)) {
            z = null //z須支援可能無法內插

        // console.log('x', x, 'y', y, 'z', z)
        // console.log('nx', nx, 'ny', ny, 'nz', nz)

        let r = {
            [keyX]: x,
            [keyY]: y,
            [keyZ]: z,

        return r

    let r
    if (isOne) {
        let p = psTar[0]
        r = itv(p, 0)
    else {
        r = []
        each(psTar, (p, indTar) => {
            r.push(itv(p, indTar))

    return r

export default interp2NaturalNeighbor