
import get from 'lodash-es/get.js'
import isNumber from 'lodash-es/isNumber.js'
import delay from 'wsemi/src/delay.mjs'
import isarr from 'wsemi/src/isarr.mjs'
import isestr from 'wsemi/src/isestr.mjs'
import isfun from 'wsemi/src/isfun.mjs'
import isbol from 'wsemi/src/isbol.mjs'
import isearr from 'wsemi/src/isearr.mjs'
import isu8arr from 'wsemi/src/isu8arr.mjs'
import isEle from 'wsemi/src/isEle.mjs'
import ispm from 'wsemi/src/ispm.mjs'
import haskey from 'wsemi/src/haskey.mjs'
import browserView from 'wsemi/src/browserView.mjs'
import arrHas from 'wsemi/src/arrHas.mjs'
import domConvertToPicDyn from 'wsemi/src/domConvertToPicDyn.mjs'
import ltdtkeysheads2mat from 'wsemi/src/ltdtkeysheads2mat.mjs'
import downloadFileFromB64 from 'wsemi/src/downloadFileFromB64.mjs'
import downloadExcelFileFromDataDyn from 'wsemi/src/downloadExcelFileFromDataDyn.mjs'
import downloadFileFromU8Arr from 'wsemi/src/downloadFileFromU8Arr.mjs'

 * 前端UI下載套件
 * @class w-ui-dwload
 * @param {Object} vo 輸入前端共用操作物件,也就是掛載共用函數之處,例如Vue.prototype
 * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
 * @param {String} [opt.keyFunDownloadFileById='downloadFileById'] 輸入於vo內掛載下載檔案函數(downloadFileById)之鍵值字串,預設'downloadFileById'
 * @param {String} [opt.keyFunUpdateLoading='updateLoading'] 輸入於vo內掛載顯示loading函數(updateLoading)之鍵值字串,預設'updateLoading'
 * @param {String} [opt.keyFunAlert='alert'] 輸入於vo內掛載提案彈窗函數(alert)之鍵值字串,預設'alert'
 * @param {Boolean} [opt.useBrowserView=true] 輸入當使用下載檔案函數(downloadFileById)時,是否於下載後自動於瀏覽器分頁開啟,預設true
 * @param {Array} [opt.browserViewTypes=['text/plain', 'application/rtf', 'application/json', 'text/csv', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/webp', 'audio/mpeg', 'video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'video/webm']] 輸入當使用下載檔案函數(downloadFileById)時,識別可自動開啟之檔案類型清單陣列,預設['text/plain', 'application/rtf', 'application/json', 'text/csv', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/webp', 'audio/mpeg', 'video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'video/webm']
 * @param {String} [opt.textErrorDownloadImage='無法下載圖片'] 輸入提示無法下載圖片字串,預設'無法下載圖片'
 * @param {String} [opt.textErrorDownloadTable='無法下載表格數據'] 輸入提示無法下載表格數據字串,預設'無法下載表格數據'
 * @param {String} [opt.textErrorDownloadLtdt='無法下載數據'] 輸入提示無法下載數據字串,預設'無法下載數據'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidElePic='elePic非元素'] 輸入提示elePic非元素字串,預設'elePic非元素'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidEleName='eleName非元素或字串'] 輸入提示eleName非元素或字串字串,預設'eleName非元素或字串'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidEleTable='eleTable非元素'] 輸入提示eleTable非元素字串,預設'eleTable非元素'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidLtdt='ltdt非陣列'] 輸入提示ltdt非陣列字串,預設'ltdt非陣列'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidFileId='無檔案主鍵'] 輸入提示無檔案主鍵字串,預設'無檔案主鍵'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidKeyFilename='無檔案名稱主鍵'] 輸入提示無檔案名稱主鍵字串,預設'無檔案名稱主鍵'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidFilename='無檔案名稱'] 輸入提示無檔案名稱字串,預設'無檔案名稱'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidFileU8a='無檔案內容'] 輸入提示無檔案內容字串,預設'無檔案內容'
 * @param {String} [opt.textInvalidFileType='無檔案類型'] 輸入提示無檔案類型字串,預設'無檔案類型'
 * @param {String} [opt.textDownloadingFile='開始下載檔案'] 輸入提示開始下載檔案字串,預設'開始下載檔案'
 * @param {String} [opt.textDownloadFileSuccessfully='下載檔案成功'] 輸入提示下載檔案成功字串,預設'下載檔案成功'
 * @param {String} [opt.textDownloadFileFailed='下載檔案失敗'] 輸入提示下載檔案失敗字串,預設'下載檔案失敗'
 * @returns {Object} 回傳各下載函數物件,包括'downloadPic','downloadTable','downloadLtdt','downloadFile'
 * @example
 * let WUiDwload = window['w-ui-dwload']
 * // console.log(WUiDwload)
 * //wuidw
 * let vo = {
 *     updateLoading: (v)=>{
 *         console.log('updateLoading', v)
 *     },
 *     alert: (v, t)=>{
 *         console.log('alert', v, t)
 *     },
 *     downloadFileById: ()=>{
 *     },
 * }
 * let wuidw = WUiDwload(vo, {
 *     keyFunDownloadFileById: 'downloadFileById',
 *     keyFunUpdateLoading: 'updateLoading',
 *     keyFunAlert: 'alert',
 * })
 * console.log(wuidw)
function WUiDwload(vo, opt = {}) {

    let keyFunDownloadFileById = get(opt, 'keyFunDownloadFileById')
    if (!isestr(keyFunDownloadFileById)) {
        keyFunDownloadFileById = 'downloadFileById'

    let keyFunUpdateLoading = get(opt, 'keyFunUpdateLoading')
    if (!isestr(keyFunUpdateLoading)) {
        keyFunUpdateLoading = 'updateLoading'

    let keyFunAlert = get(opt, 'keyFunAlert')
    if (!isestr(keyFunAlert)) {
        keyFunAlert = 'alert'

    let useBrowserView = get(opt, 'useBrowserView')
    if (!isbol(useBrowserView)) {
        useBrowserView = true

    let browserViewTypes = get(opt, 'browserViewTypes')
    if (!isearr(browserViewTypes)) {
        browserViewTypes = ['text/plain', 'application/rtf', 'application/json', 'text/csv', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/pdf', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/webp', 'audio/mpeg', 'video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'video/webm']

    let textErrorDownloadImage = get(opt, 'textErrorDownloadImage')
    if (!isestr(textErrorDownloadImage)) {
        textErrorDownloadImage = '無法下載圖片'
        // textErrorDownloadImage = 'can not download image'

    let textErrorDownloadTable = get(opt, 'textErrorDownloadTable')
    if (!isestr(textErrorDownloadTable)) {
        textErrorDownloadTable = '無法下載表格數據'
        // textErrorDownloadTable = 'can not download table'

    let textErrorDownloadLtdt = get(opt, 'textErrorDownloadLtdt')
    if (!isestr(textErrorDownloadLtdt)) {
        textErrorDownloadLtdt = '無法下載數據'
        // textErrorDownloadLtdt = 'can not download data'

    let textInvalidElePic = get(opt, 'textInvalidElePic')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidElePic)) {
        textInvalidElePic = 'elePic非元素'
        // textInvalidElePic = 'invalid elePic'

    let textInvalidEleName = get(opt, 'textInvalidEleName')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidEleName)) {
        textInvalidEleName = 'eleName非元素或字串'
        // textInvalidEleName = 'invalid eleName'

    let textInvalidEleTable = get(opt, 'textInvalidEleTable')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidEleTable)) {
        textInvalidEleTable = 'eleTable非元素'
        // textInvalidEleTable = 'invalid eleTable'

    let textInvalidLtdt = get(opt, 'textInvalidLtdt')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidLtdt)) {
        textInvalidLtdt = 'ltdt非陣列'
        // textInvalidLtdt = 'ltdt is not an array'

    let textInvalidFileId = get(opt, 'textInvalidFileId')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidFileId)) {
        textInvalidFileId = '無檔案主鍵'
        // textInvalidFileId = 'invalid file ID'

    let textInvalidKeyFilename = get(opt, 'textInvalidKeyFilename')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidKeyFilename)) {
        textInvalidKeyFilename = '無檔案名稱主鍵'
        // textInvalidFileId = 'invalid keyFilename'

    let textInvalidFilename = get(opt, 'textInvalidFilename')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidFilename)) {
        textInvalidFilename = '無檔案名稱'
        // textInvalidFilename = 'invalid filename'

    let textInvalidFileU8a = get(opt, 'textInvalidFileU8a')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidFileU8a)) {
        textInvalidFileU8a = '無檔案內容'
        // textInvalidFileU8a = 'invalid u8a'

    let textInvalidFileType = get(opt, 'textInvalidFileType')
    if (!isestr(textInvalidFileType)) {
        textInvalidFileType = '無檔案類型'
        // textInvalidFileType = 'invalid type'

    let textDownloadingFile = get(opt, 'textDownloadingFile')
    if (!isestr(textDownloadingFile)) {
        textDownloadingFile = '開始下載檔案'
        // textDownloadingFile = 'downloading file'

    let textDownloadFileSuccessfully = get(opt, 'textDownloadFileSuccessfully')
    if (!isestr(textDownloadFileSuccessfully)) {
        textDownloadFileSuccessfully = '下載檔案成功'
        // textDownloadFileSuccessfully = 'download file successfully'

    let textDownloadFileFailed = get(opt, 'textDownloadFileFailed')
    if (!isestr(textDownloadFileFailed)) {
        textDownloadFileFailed = '下載檔案失敗'
        // textDownloadFileFailed = 'download file failed'

    function downloadFileById() { //不能使用箭頭函數避免this與arguments指向原呼叫處
        let func = get(vo, keyFunDownloadFileById)
        if (isfun(func)) {
            return func(...arguments)

    function updateLoading() { //不能使用箭頭函數避免this與arguments指向原呼叫處
        let func = get(vo, keyFunUpdateLoading)
        if (isfun(func)) {
            return func(...arguments)

    function alert() { //不能使用箭頭函數避免this與arguments指向原呼叫處
        let func = get(vo, keyFunAlert)
        if (isfun(func)) {
            return func(...arguments)

     * 前端將dom下載成為圖片
     * @memberOf w-ui-dwload
     * @param {HTMLElement} elePic 輸入圖片所在元素
     * @param {HTMLElement|String} eleName 輸入圖名所在元素或圖名字串
     * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
     * @param {Number} [opt.scale=3] 輸入放大比率數字,代表反鋸齒(anti-aliasing),預設3
     * @param {Number} [opt.timeDelay=500] 輸入當使用updateLoading時,因畫面要渲染loading可能需延遲顯示才能看見動畫,故需給予延遲時間,單位ms,預設500
     * @param {String} [opt.defName='pic'] 輸入若無有效圖名時預設名稱字串,預設'pic'
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useAlert=true] 輸入是否使用alert布林值,預設true
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useUpdateLoading=true] 輸入是否使用updateLoading布林值,預設true
     * @returns {Promise} 回傳Promise,resolve代表執行結束,不會有reject,將由console.log或alert(若有)顯示發生之錯誤訊息
     * @example
     * let WUiDwload = window['w-ui-dwload']
     * // console.log(WUiDwload)
     * //wuidw
     * let vo = {
     *     updateLoading: (v)=>{
     *         console.log('updateLoading', v)
     *     },
     *     alert: (v, t)=>{
     *         console.log('alert', v, t)
     *     },
     *     downloadFileById: ()=>{
     *     },
     * }
     * let wuidw = WUiDwload(vo, {
     *     keyFunDownloadFileById: 'downloadFileById',
     *     keyFunUpdateLoading: 'updateLoading',
     *     keyFunAlert: 'alert',
     * })
     * console.log(wuidw)
     * function dw(){
     *     let eleTar = document.querySelector('#container')
     *     let eleName = document.querySelector('#name')
     *     wuidw.downloadPic(eleTar, eleName)
     * }
    async function downloadPic(elePic, eleName, opt = {}) {

        let scale = get(opt, 'scale')
        if (!isNumber(scale)) {
            scale = 3

        let timeDelay = get(opt, 'timeDelay')
        if (!isNumber(timeDelay)) {
            timeDelay = 500

        let defName = get(opt, 'defName')
        if (!isestr(defName)) {
            defName = 'pic'

        let useAlert = get(opt, 'useAlert')
        if (!isbol(useAlert)) {
            useAlert = true

        let useUpdateLoading = get(opt, 'useUpdateLoading')
        if (!isbol(useUpdateLoading)) {
            useUpdateLoading = true

        async function core(elePic, eleName) {

            if (!isEle(elePic)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidElePic)
            if (!isEle(eleName) && !isestr(eleName)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidEleName)

            let name = ''
            if (isEle(eleName)) {
                name = get(eleName, 'innerText')
            else {
                name = eleName
            if (!isestr(name)) {
                name = defName

            let fn = `${name}.png`

            //add background, 預設無背景時產png會變成背景半透明, 出圖時強制預設為白色之後再復原
            let c = elePic.style.background
            if (c !== '#fff') {
                elePic.style.background = '#fff'

            //let b64 = await html2picDyn(elePic, { scale }) //無法支援大圖
            let b64 = await domConvertToPicDyn(elePic, { scale }) //不支援IE11與Safari

            //reset background
            elePic.style.background = c

            downloadFileFromB64(fn, b64)


        if (useUpdateLoading) {

            //show loading

            await delay(timeDelay)


        await core(elePic, eleName)
            .catch((err) => {

                if (useAlert) {
                    alert(textErrorDownloadImage, { type: 'error' })

            .finally(() => {

                if (useUpdateLoading) {

                    //hide loading




     * 前端將dom(table)內數據下載成為Excel檔(*.xlsx)
     * @memberOf w-ui-dwload
     * @param {HTMLElement} eleTable 輸入表格所在元素
     * @param {HTMLElement|String} eleName 輸入表名所在元素或表名字串
     * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
     * @param {String} [opt.nameSheet='data'] 輸入sheet名稱字串,預設'data'
     * @param {Number} [opt.timeDelay=500] 輸入當使用updateLoading時,因畫面要渲染loading可能需延遲顯示才能看見動畫,故需給予延遲時間,單位ms,預設500
     * @param {String} [opt.defName='table'] 輸入若無有效表名時預設名稱字串,預設'table'
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useAlert=true] 輸入是否使用alert布林值,預設true
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useUpdateLoading=true] 輸入是否使用updateLoading布林值,預設true
     * @returns {Promise} 回傳Promise,resolve代表執行結束,不會有reject,將由console.log或alert(若有)顯示發生之錯誤訊息
     * @example
     * let WUiDwload = window['w-ui-dwload']
     * // console.log(WUiDwload)
     * //wuidw
     * let vo = {
     *     updateLoading: (v)=>{
     *         console.log('updateLoading', v)
     *     },
     *     alert: (v, t)=>{
     *         console.log('alert', v, t)
     *     },
     *     downloadFileById: ()=>{
     *     },
     * }
     * let wuidw = WUiDwload(vo, {
     *     keyFunDownloadFileById: 'downloadFileById',
     *     keyFunUpdateLoading: 'updateLoading',
     *     keyFunAlert: 'alert',
     * })
     * console.log(wuidw)
     * function dw(){
     *     let eleTar = document.querySelector('#container')
     *     let eleName = document.querySelector('#name')
     *     wuidw.downloadTable(eleTar, eleName)
     * }
    async function downloadTable(eleTable, eleName, opt = {}) {

        let nameSheet = get(opt, 'nameSheet')
        if (!isestr(nameSheet)) {
            nameSheet = 'data'

        let timeDelay = get(opt, 'timeDelay')
        if (!isNumber(timeDelay)) {
            timeDelay = 500

        let defName = get(opt, 'defName')
        if (!isestr(defName)) {
            defName = 'table'

        let useAlert = get(opt, 'useAlert')
        if (!isbol(useAlert)) {
            useAlert = true

        let useUpdateLoading = get(opt, 'useUpdateLoading')
        if (!isbol(useUpdateLoading)) {
            useUpdateLoading = true

        async function core(eleTable, eleName) {

            if (!isEle(eleTable)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidEleTable)
            if (!isEle(eleName) && !isestr(eleName)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidEleName)

            let name = ''
            if (isEle(eleName)) {
                name = get(eleName, 'innerText')
            else {
                name = eleName
            if (!isestr(name)) {
                name = defName

            let fn = `${name}.xlsx`

            await downloadExcelFileFromDataDyn(fn, nameSheet, eleTable)


        if (useUpdateLoading) {

            //show loading

            await delay(timeDelay)


        await core(eleTable, eleName)
            .catch((err) => {

                if (useAlert) {
                    alert(textErrorDownloadTable, { type: 'error' })

            .finally(() => {

                if (useUpdateLoading) {

                    //hide loading




     * 前端將ltdt數據下載成為Excel檔(*.xlsx)
     * @memberOf w-ui-dwload
     * @param {Array} ltdt 輸入數據陣列
     * @param {HTMLElement|String} eleName 輸入表名所在元素或表名字串
     * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
     * @param {String} [opt.nameSheet='data'] 輸入sheet名稱字串,預設'data'
     * @param {Number} [opt.timeDelay=500] 輸入當使用updateLoading時,因畫面要渲染loading可能需延遲顯示才能看見動畫,故需給予延遲時間,單位ms,預設500
     * @param {String} [opt.defName='table'] 輸入若無有效表名時預設名稱字串,預設'table'
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useAlert=true] 輸入是否使用alert布林值,預設true
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useUpdateLoading=true] 輸入是否使用updateLoading布林值,預設true
     * @returns {Promise} 回傳Promise,resolve代表執行結束,不會有reject,將由console.log或alert(若有)顯示發生之錯誤訊息
     * @example
     * let WUiDwload = window['w-ui-dwload']
     * // console.log(WUiDwload)
     * let ltdt = [
     *     {
     *         "firstName": "John",
     *         "lastName": "Smith",
     *         "sex": "male",
     *         "age(年齡)": 25,
     *     },
     *     {
     *         "firstName": "Worthly",
     *         "lastName": "Bill",
     *         "sex": "female",
     *         "age(年齡)": 22,
     *     },
     *     {
     *         "firstName": "Sandola",
     *         "lastName": "Dell",
     *         "sex": "male",
     *         "age(年齡)": 31,
     *     },
     * ]
     * //wuidw
     * let vo = {
     *     updateLoading: (v)=>{
     *         console.log('updateLoading', v)
     *     },
     *     alert: (v, t)=>{
     *         console.log('alert', v, t)
     *     },
     *     downloadFileById: ()=>{
     *     },
     * }
     * let wuidw = WUiDwload(vo, {
     *     keyFunDownloadFileById: 'downloadFileById',
     *     keyFunUpdateLoading: 'updateLoading',
     *     keyFunAlert: 'alert',
     * })
     * console.log(wuidw)
     * function dw(){
     *     let eleName = document.querySelector('#name')
     *     wuidw.downloadLtdt(ltdt, eleName)
     *     // let name = 'ltdt-name'
     *     // wuidw.downloadLtdt(ltdt, name)
     * }
    async function downloadLtdt(ltdt, eleName, opt = {}) {

        let nameSheet = get(opt, 'nameSheet')
        if (!isestr(nameSheet)) {
            nameSheet = 'data'

        let timeDelay = get(opt, 'timeDelay')
        if (!isNumber(timeDelay)) {
            timeDelay = 500

        let defName = get(opt, 'defName')
        if (!isestr(defName)) {
            defName = 'table'

        let useAlert = get(opt, 'useAlert')
        if (!isbol(useAlert)) {
            useAlert = true

        let useUpdateLoading = get(opt, 'useUpdateLoading')
        if (!isbol(useUpdateLoading)) {
            useUpdateLoading = true

        async function core(ltdt, eleName) {

            if (!isarr(ltdt)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidLtdt)
            if (!isEle(eleName) && !isestr(eleName)) {
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidEleName)

            let name = ''
            if (isEle(eleName)) {
                name = get(eleName, 'innerText')
            else {
                name = eleName
            if (!isestr(name)) {
                name = defName

            let fn = `${name}.xlsx`

            let mat = ltdtkeysheads2mat(ltdt)

            await downloadExcelFileFromDataDyn(fn, nameSheet, mat)


        if (useUpdateLoading) {

            //show loading

            await delay(timeDelay)


        await core(ltdt, eleName)
            .catch((err) => {

                if (useAlert) {
                    alert(textErrorDownloadLtdt, { type: 'error' })

            .finally(() => {

                if (useUpdateLoading) {

                    //hide loading




     * 前端呼叫函數(前後端)下載檔案
     * @memberOf w-ui-dwload
     * @param {Object} file 輸入檔案資料物件,至少需有id欄位
     * @param {Function} setProg 輸入下載階段調用提供進度函數,需建構並由按鈕或進度視窗提供
     * @param {Object} [opt={}] 輸入設定物件,預設{}
     * @param {Number} [opt.timeDelay=500] 輸入當使用updateLoading時,因畫面要渲染loading可能需延遲顯示才能看見動畫,故需給予延遲時間,單位ms,預設500
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useAlert=true] 輸入是否使用alert布林值,預設true
     * @param {Boolean} [opt.useUpdateLoading=true] 輸入是否使用updateLoading布林值,預設true
     * @returns {Promise} 回傳Promise,resolve代表執行結束,不會有reject,將由console.log或alert(若有)顯示發生之錯誤訊息
     * @example
     * let WUiDwload = window['w-ui-dwload']
     * // console.log(WUiDwload)
     * let file = {
     *     'id': 'id-for-file',
     * }
     * //wuidw
     * let vo = {
     *     updateLoading: (v)=>{
     *         console.log('updateLoading', v)
     *     },
     *     alert: (v, t)=>{
     *         console.log('alert', v, t)
     *     },
     *     downloadFileById: (fileId)=>{
     *         //記得添加BOM
     *         let u8a = wsemi.str2u8arr(`\ufeff中文測試
     * Plain text, unformatted text
     * Text file, a type of computer file opened by most text software
     * Text string, a sequence of characters manipulated by software
     * Text message, a short electronic message designed for communication between mobile phone users
     * Text (Chrome app), a text editor for the Google Chrome web browser`)
     *         return {
     *             fileName:'name-for-file',
     *             u8a,
     *             type:'text/plain',
     *         }
     *     },
     * }
     * let wuidw = WUiDwload(vo, {
     *     keyFunDownloadFileById: 'downloadFileById',
     *     keyFunUpdateLoading: 'updateLoading',
     *     keyFunAlert: 'alert',
     * })
     * console.log(wuidw)
     * function dw(){
     *     wuidw.downloadFile(file)
     * }
    async function downloadFile(file, setProg = null, opt = {}) {
        //file內至少需要id, 回傳至少需要fileName,u8a,type, setProg為下載進度通知函數可不給

        let keyFileName = get(opt, 'keyFileName')
        if (!isestr(keyFileName)) {
            keyFileName = 'fileName'

        let timeDelay = get(opt, 'timeDelay')
        if (!isNumber(timeDelay)) {
            timeDelay = 500

        let useAlert = get(opt, 'useAlert')
        if (!isbol(useAlert)) {
            useAlert = true

        let useUpdateLoading = get(opt, 'useUpdateLoading')
        if (!isbol(useUpdateLoading)) {
            useUpdateLoading = false //可使用呼叫處的顯示下載機制, 例如按鈕的setProg, 故預設false

        async function core() {

            //lock, 因呼叫api有時間差會給使用者重複點擊的機會, 得先設定prog為0使按鈕自動上鎖
            if (isfun(setProg)) {

            let fileId = get(file, 'id')

            if (!isestr(fileId)) {
                console.log(textInvalidFileId, file)
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidFileId)

            let r = downloadFileById(fileId, ({ prog, p, m }) => {
                //console.log('downloadFileById', prog, p, m)
                if (m === 'download') {
                    if (isfun(setProg)) {
            if (ispm(r)) {
                r = await r

            if (!haskey(r, keyFileName)) {
                console.log(textInvalidKeyFilename, r)
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidKeyFilename)

            let fileName = get(r, keyFileName, '')

            if (!isestr(fileName)) {
                console.log(textInvalidFilename, r)
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidFilename)

            let u8a = get(r, 'u8a')

            if (!isu8arr(u8a)) {
                console.log(textInvalidFileU8a, r)
                return Promise.reject(textInvalidFileU8a)

            downloadFileFromU8Arr(fileName, u8a)

            if (useBrowserView) {
                //chrome無法瀏覽: 'image/tiff', [avi]'video/x-msvideo', 'video/ogg', 'video/avi', [ts]'video/mp2t', [3gp]'video/3gpp', [3g2]'video/3gpp2'

                let type = get(r, 'type')

                //check type
                if (!isestr(type)) {
                    console.log(textInvalidFileType, r)
                    return Promise.reject(textInvalidFileType)

                //check browserViewTypes
                if (arrHas(type, browserViewTypes)) {

                    browserView(u8a, type)



        if (useAlert) {
            alert(`${textDownloadingFile}: ${file.fileName}`, { type: 'infor' })

        if (useUpdateLoading) {

            //show loading

            await delay(timeDelay)


        await core()
            .then(() => {

                if (useAlert) {
                    alert(`${textDownloadFileSuccessfully}: ${file.name}`)

            .catch((err) => {

                if (useAlert) {
                    alert(`${textDownloadFileFailed}: ${file.name}`, { type: 'error' })

            .finally(() => {

                if (isfun(setProg)) {

                if (useUpdateLoading) {

                    //hide loading




    return {

export default WUiDwload