
import isearr from './isearr.mjs'
import importResources from './importResources.mjs'
import strFindFuzz from './strFindFuzz.mjs'

 * 前端以空白分切strkey做為關鍵字,查詢字串陣列ar是否含有相似關鍵字
 * Unit Test: {@link Github}
 * @memberOf wsemi
 * @param {Array|String} ar 輸入資料,若輸入陣列則自動join成字串
 * @param {String|Number} strkey 查找ar內是否含有關鍵字,多關鍵字係以空白區分
 * @param {Boolean} [bscore=false] 是否回傳分數,當設定為true時回傳值為分數,設定為false時回傳值為是否(預設)
 * @param {String|Object|Array} pathItems 輸入資源字串、字串陣列、物件、物件陣列
 * @returns {Promise} 回傳Promise,resolve回傳為分數或是否,reject回傳錯誤訊息
 * @example
 * need test in browser
 * //第2參數會被空白切分成多關鍵字
 * strFindFuzzDyn('Wodooman(樵夫)', 'The Woodman(樵夫) set to work at once, and so...', true)
 *     .then(function(r) {
 *         console.log(r)
 *         // => 31.831649831649834
 *     })
 * strFindFuzzDyn('The Woodman(樵夫) set to work at once, and so...', 'Wodooman(樵夫)', true)
 *     .then(function(r) {
 *         console.log(r)
 *         // => 40.845872267054474
 *     })
 * strFindFuzzDyn(['abc', 'def123', '中文測試'], 'ef', true)
 *     .then(function(r) {
 *         console.log(r)
 *         // => 100
 *     })
 * strFindFuzzDyn(['abc', 'def123', '中文測試'], 'efgg', true)
 *     .then(function(r) {
 *         console.log(r)
 *         // => 46
 *     })
 * strFindFuzzDyn(['abc', 'def123', '中文測試'], 'ef')
 *     .then(function(r) {
 *         console.log(r)
 *         // => true
 *     })
async function strFindFuzzDyn(ar, strkey, bscore = false, pathItems) {

    //若更新, 記得example與readme也要更新
    if (!isearr(pathItems)) {
        pathItems = [

    await importResources(pathItems)

    let r = strFindFuzz(ar, strkey, bscore)

    return r

export default strFindFuzzDyn